In Order (Youth)

In Order Photo

Page Summary

This activity provides youth with an opportunity to order what is most important to them.

Good For...

Helping groups prioritise ideas or suggestions

You Will Require

  • A set of 'Ideas' cards for each individual or small group (a downloadable set about church is provided below, but you could create your own to cover the topic you wish to discuss)
  • Include at least one ? card


In Order Young People Set

Question Mark Card

What To Do

  • Divide the group into 2s or 3s
  • Give each group a set of cards
  • Ask them to put the cards in order of what is most important. Stress that there are no 'right' answers
  • The ? cards can be used if the young people think something else needs to be added
  • Invite them to share their cards and say something about why they chose to put things in that order
  • Continue the conversation by asking the young people if they think adults would put things in the same order (suggest they re-order the cards to show this)
  • Are there times when what's important might change?
  • Take a photo of each set of cards to record the discussion
  • Reflect - what have you learned? How might that feed in to what you (or the church) do? Who can help things to change?

Suggestions for the Ideas cards

  • Things which the group could do to come closer to God
  • Suggestions being put forward in a church building project
  • Groups which might be supported by the church's mission giving or fund raising
  • Ways to live as a Christian