Traffic Lights Activity

Page Summary

This activity includes placing discs on the wall around the room that has a number of relevant questions / statements to read and getting the children / young people to respond using a traffic colour system to respond.

You Will Require

  • Blu Tac
  • A large RED, AMBER and GREEN cut out disc
  • Post-it notes
  • Pens


Prepare a number of relevant questions / statements.

What To Do

Place the discs on the wall around the room and have a number of relevant questions / statements to read out to the children / young people about church or their children's / youth group. The children / young people write their responses on to the Post-it notes.

When all of the questions / statements have been answered, invite the children / young people to rank them in order by sticking their Post-it notes on to :

  • RED - for things they don’t like or that should be stopped
  • AMBER - for things that need to be reviewed, changed or improved
  • GREEN - for things they like and want to keep doing

Encourage discussion after they have positioned all of their Post-it notes. Then identify and agree on two or three things from each disc that need prioritising. These can be fed back to the PCC and other stakeholders.